Registration Form 

1. Please complete the following form with your personal data. 
2. After you have completed the form you can proceed to our online store 
to complete your payment:

Your registration will not be considered valid untill we get the competed payment, you will recieve an email confirmation once the payment has been properly recieved. 

Please complete this form with your basic data. All information is mandatory. 

Formulario de Matriculación

The social brain with Boris Cyrulnik
College student (1)
Hestia alumni (2)
Health care professional
Curso de Postgrado en Terapia Relacional Sistémica 2018-2019
Máster en Terapia Sistémica Relacional -2016-2018
Curso de postgrado: Experto en Trastornos de Personalidad
Curso de Postgrado: Actualización en trastornos de la personalidad.
Curso de Postgrado: Terapia Reconstructiva Interpersonal para la ira la ansiedad y la depresión
I have read and accept Hestia's privacy policy.
I authorize Hestia to send me their newsletter.

Enrollment conditions:

When you send in this registration form, a place is reserved, which must be paid within a maximum period of one week after the form is sent. After this period, the place will be released.

The effective confirmation is made only through online payment.

This training offer is supported by the participation and commitment of each of the participants. For this reason, it is essential that each of the reserved places be effectively paid, in a timely manner.

Sending the registration form implies acceptance of these regulations.

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