
Day 1: Thursday, May 2nd
Anger, Anxiety and Depression – Introduction to the IRT model

1. Interviewing method is illustrated by video of a treatment resistant case.

2. The IRT "natural biological" and Case Formulation models of affective and personality disorders is described and used to develop an IRT case formulation for the example and guide the choice of treatment interventions from any approach.


3. Review and discussion of the Interpersonal Reconstructive Treatment model (IRT) applied to the case. Examples of adherent and nonadherent interventions (errors) and evidence that adherence matters.

4. Role-play 1: Anxiety. Illustration of the process of case formulation and treatment planning with a volunteer from the audience who "becomes" his/her most challenging case.

Day 2: Friday, May 3rd
Pattern Analysis and Differential Diagnosis

1. Introduction of the SASB model used for pattern recognition and rapid, reliable identification of copy processes.

2. Applications to the cases from Day 1.

3. Role play 2: Depression - a "treatment resistant" case.


4. Discussion of evidence in a large data base that identifies distinctive SASB-based interpersonal patterns with attachment figures that are characteristic of patients with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, personality and/or selected other disorders.

5. Role play 3. Anger.

Saturday, May 4th:

1. Review and discussion of the Interpersonal Reconstructive Treatment model (IRT) applied to the cases (role-plays), with an emphasis on therapy process.

2. Role play: a CORDS case (Comorbid, Often Rehospitalized, Dysfunctional and Suicidal)

3. Organize understanding of the case using the IRT case formulation and treatment models. Review related information in the large data base regarding differential diagnosis and likely developmental roots


4. Panel discussion

5. Summary and conclusions followed by more discussion of issues chosen by the audience.

Role-Play with Lorna Smith Benjamin

Participants who wish to consult a case at the conference are invited to read the information and follow the instructions below. 

The presentation of each case will be carried out within the format of a role-play. This involves the therapist adopting the role of his/her patient, after briefly presenting his/her case, and LSB working
as she would in therapy, adopting the role of the clinician.

The audience therefore has the opportunity to see a master clinician in action and to observe the clinical applications of the theoretical model. The presenting therapist will also have the opportunity to experience first-hand the impact and effectiveness of the interventions. It is also a rare chance to experience being in their patient’s “shoes”.

English-Spanish (consecutive translation in both languages at all times).
Any other material (written or oral) can be presented in the therapist's preferred language.

Requirements to enter the selection process

• Individual therapy cases, involving adult patients.
• The therapist must know the case in depth – preferably a process of more than 15 sessions.
• The cases must have symptoms related to the conference’s theme: anger, anxiety or depression, and/or particularly complex or chronic cases.

Case selection criteria

Six cases will be selected. Four, to be presented at the conference; plus two more that will be kept on a waiting list in case any of the other selected cases gets cancelled.

Pre-selection and Consultation procedure

  1. You may send us the form after completing all the required fields.
  2. Your case will be reviewed and you will receive a response as soon as possible.
••  DEADLINE: 04/12/2019 to apply to the pre-selection •••

Live presentation
  • You will have about 10 minutes to present your case.
  • LSB will first ask questions, guiding the presentation and gathering information in order to initiate the role-play.
  • Role-play: a therapy session will be staged, where LSB will be the therapist and the consulting therapist will play the role of his own patient.
  • Feedback by LSB and discussion with the participant.
  • Q&A with the audience.

Pre-selection form for role-play consultation

I have respected at all times the privacy of my client using initials and not linking at any time personal data that may facilitate the identification of anyone involved (mandatory).
I understand and accept the rules and legal regulations of this web page (mandatory).
I confirm that this case, the process and all my actions comply with the Data Protection Law (LOPD) and I assumes sole responsibility regarding the privacy of those involved (mandatory).
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