Professor Lorna Smith Benjamin presents us with a groundbreaking approach that proposes a differential, interpersonal model for the diagnosis and treatment of affective as well as personality disorders.
Based on natural biology and the study of interpersonal and intrapsychic dynamics,
IRT (Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy) provides an in-depth explanation of the factors
that give rise to symptoms and psychopathology.
Using Bowlby's attachment theory as a reference and drawing from different
psychotherapeutic approaches such as cognitive, humanist, psychoanalytical and relational,
she proposes an innovative and integral method for treatment.
This seminar presents a unique opportunity for participants to become acquainted with
the work and theory of a leader clinician and researcher.
In an interactive manner, assistants will be able to further their understanding of affective
disorders and psychopathology in general and gain powerful tools for their clinical practise.