with Lorna Smith Benjamin PhD

Barcelona, Spain 
6th, 7th and 8th of May, 2019

This course, unique in its characteristics, offers a great opportunity to experienced clinicians
to deepen their skills and understanding of Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy (IRT)
within the context of a small, intensive workshop, led by Prof. Lorna Smith Benjamin herself.

The three days of this inedited and exclusive workshop will focus on fine tuning and consolidating the participants’ knowledge and experience of IRT and will respond to the challenges and questions thatthey wish to address regarding the practise of IRT and psychotherapy in general.

The objectives of this course are to:

•    Provide top quality clinical work and training for experienced practitioners;
•    Acquire an advanced level in the practise of IRT;
•    Heighten knowledge and skill in the use of tools such as SASB, case formulation, interview method and treatment process.

Who is it for?

The course will be tailor made to respond to the needs and specific interests of its participants and it is reserved for professionals who are already acquainted with the model and Prof. Benjamin’s work.

Relevant Details

Dates: Monday  6th, Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th of May 2019.
Schedule: 9.30 to 17.30
Assistance: 17 attendants max.
Venue: Hestía
Language: English with consecutive translation into Spanish



Is former President of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR); creator of Structural Analysis of Social Behaviour (SASB), an observational as well as self-rating method of assessing interpersonal and intrapsychic patterns. Professor emeritus of Psychology and adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Utah, she continues to teach part-time at the University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute and has maintained her clinical practice to this date. Dr. Benjamin was an advisor to the DSM-IV task force that defined personality disorders and is a co-author of the Wisconsin Personality Disorders Inventory (WISPI) as well as the American Psychiatric Association’s Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnosis according to DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders (SCID-II).

 A step away from Harry Harlow, John Bowlby, Carl Whitaker and Carl Rogers

Dr. Benjamin’s contribution to the field of psychotherapy as a theorist, researcher and clinician has been significant. By her side, one is just a step away from fundamental contributors to important schools of psychotherapy. She has worked with John Bowlby, Harry Harlow, Carl Rogers and Carl Whitaker and they have directly influenced her work and research. Her doctoral dissertation with Harry Harlow and her work at his laboratory reflects her lasting interest in studying clinical phenomena using perspectives and methods of basic science.


IRT theory and practice

1. Review of Case formulation and treatment model.

A. Role-play and follow up of an “old” case - introduced to IRT in 2017.

B. Using the case formulation to guide therapy process.

2. Q & A about principles and problems encountered using IRT.

Role-play of a case followed by more Q & A focused on reviewing and applying principles.
Enhancing expertise - SASB

1. The use of SASB for:

A. Immediate and accurate
pattern recognition,

B. Predicting antecedents (developmental history)

2. Predicting  consequences of specific interpersonal patterns in therapy process and in coaching patients who are trying to learn new ways of being.

Role-plays of new and old cases. Practicing interventions.
Adherent therapy process
and content

1. Treatment challenges and therapy mistakes: how to recognize and overcome them.

A. The green versus the red: helping patients recognize and resist subtle self-sabotage.

B. Managing expectable relapses safely.

Role-play of case that has been stalled in treatment: apply IRT models to define and address the issues.

2. Q & A regarding all that has been learned and practised to this day.

Summary and conclusions followed by more discussion of issues chosen by the group.

Register today

Former Hestía Students

Three day seminar + Advanced Course

Early Bird

until march 15th



Standard Price




Contact us

Hestía International Psychotherapy Centre
Av. Diagonal 343, 2º 3ª · 08037· Barcelona · Spain

By Telephone:
+34 93 459 2802
Mon - Fri 10am to 5pm

Or you can send us a message:


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